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Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Peter HASSLER / VERBUND-Austrian Hydro Power AG
1984 VDMA Pump Conference Karlsruhe/Germany:
"Radialkräfte am zylindrischen Dichtspalt hydraulischer Maschinen"
1986 – 1988 Technical Academy Esslingen/Germany: "Wasserkraftturbinen"
at the seminary for "Selective Protection in Power Plants"
1986 4th International Seminary for Hydro Power Plants at the
Technical University of Vienna with the contribution:
"Betriebsverhalten der Isogyre-Pumpturbinen im Kraftwerk
1987 VEÖ-Conference at Strobl / Wolfgangsee "Wasserkraftturbinen"
1988 5th International Seminary for Hydro Power Plants
"Die Lagertechnik hydraulischer Strömungsmaschinen,
Schadensfälle und deren Abklärungen".
1989 XXe Journées de l'Hydraulique Lyon 4. - 6.4.1989
Lecture: "Radial forces, acting in gap seals of hydraulic pumps
and turbines"
1991 The modernization of Feistritz Power Plant on the river Drau in Austria.
Water power and dam construction, Innsbruck 1991
"Uprating and refurbishing hydro power plants III"
1994 International Symposium on "pumped storage development",
25. - 28.9.1994, Nanjing, China
Lecture: "Isogyre pump turbines of the storage power plant Malta/Austria".
1994 8th International Seminary for Hydro Power Plants at the Technical University of Vienna, 8. - 10.11.1994,
Lecture: "Untersuchung von Prüfintervallen bei Peltonturbinen -
15 Jahre Erfahrung".
2004 ÖGfZP-DACH-Jahrestagung 2004, 17. – 19.5.2004,
Lecture: „ Prüfung und Bewertung von Peltonlaufrädern – unter besonderer Bedachtnahme auf den Trend zu geschmiedeten Laufrädern“
2006 International conference Hydro Power and Dams; Porto Carras Greece,
25.9. – 27.9. 2006 with contribution: “Pelton runner maintenance and its results
at VERBUND-Austrian Hydro Power AG”
2008 International Conference of Hydro Power and Dams, Ljubljana 5. – 8.10.2008
with the contribution: “Hydraulic development and model test for the pumpturbines Limberg II“
hydro services & consulting GmbH
DI Dr. Peter Hassler
Buchenweg 3
A-9063 Maria-Saal
Mobil: +43 664 2326150
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